Help me be Stylish: Can I pull off a green smokey eye? Edition

In the ten-plus years I’ve been using makeup, I’ve never been able to master the smokey eye. Actually, I’ll be honest, I’ve never really tried the smokey eye; it just seemed so difficult! Well, armed with a few tips from online makeup tutorials, I went out on a limb and tried a dark grey-black smokey eye for Chris’s company holiday party. I thought I did an okay job and so today, in an attempt to not only practice the smokey eye, but also to make use of some of the bazillions of eye-shadows I own, I thought I’d try out a green smokey eye.

I can’t decide if I like it, if I don’t like it, whether or not it’s too over the top. Survey says?
Help me be stylish: Green smokey-eye edition Open your eyes…
Help me be stylish: Green smokey-eye editionSmile!Help me be stylish: Green smokey-eye editionNow, in all seriousness good fun:
Help me be stylish: Green smokey-eye editionHelp me be stylish: Green smokey-eye editionHelp me be stylish: Green smokey-eye edition

Thoughts, concerns, frustrations, agitations, recommendations, acclamations?


For those interested, the products I used are as follows: M.A.C. Shroom eyeshadow (base), M.A.C. Surreal eyeshadow (light green), M.A.C. Green Smoke eyeshadow (medium green), M.A.C. Humid eyeshadow (dark green), M.A.C. Buried Treasure Powerpoint eyepencil (upper and lower lash-lines), M.A.C. Smolder Kohl eyeliner (upper and lower INNER lash-lines…yes, you have to touch the eyeliner to your eyeball for this one), and Maybelline Volum’ Express Turbo Boost mascara (in Very Black, what else?)

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8 Responses to Help me be Stylish: Can I pull off a green smokey eye? Edition

  1. Leah says:

    I like it! You have great dark eyes that help pull it off. (I look like an albino zombie when I try to do a smoky eye.)

  2. Aunt Rach says:

    niecey u so purty! my only suggestion is brush up ur dang brows…other than that, ur eyes look a-ma-zing! ask JP…I said “O my niece is so purty!” that’s exactly what I said. as u know, the color smoky eye is IN…way 2 rock it girly.


  3. Manda says:

    Looks SUPER CUTE!

  4. Calisara says:

    Aw Sarah, your silly faces crack me up! Your eyes look fab. One of my friends from way back in the day has made all this youtube videos, and one of her biggest hits is the smokey eye one… and it helps that Sean Paul is the background music!

  5. akymbo says:

    Dude, I just look like I got punched in the face when I try to do the smokey eyes. Hmph. I blame my mom for hating makeup and thus never properly showing me how to put on makeup…

  6. GORGEOUS! Will you come do my makeup? I don’t think I’ve applied eye shadow since maybe 1998 =)

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