Lessons Learned from Mom: Part Tres

I thought it was high time for another round of Lessons Learned from Mom. Click here to catch Part One and here for Part Deux. Today’s lessons aren’t necessarily lessons, per se, but good advice, nonetheless.

When killing a spider, always flush it down the toilet. You never know, it might not really be dead and you don’t want it crawling back out of the trash can with a vengeance.

My mom has always said this. Always. And then yesterday, I was (re)watching “Annie Hall,” and during this one scene, Annie called Woody (or whatever his character’s name was…Who cares, it’s always just Woody playing Woody ANYWAY) to come over and kill a spider. “Flush it down the toilet! Flush it twice!,” Annie yells. I sat there and thought, That’s a smart lady, right there. And also, Mom, is that where you got it from?

“I pity the listless.” (Always make a list and check it twice.)

This seems like no-brainer advice, but it is definitely something I did NOT do the other day, thus resulting in a lack of herbs and a very O. Henry-worthy moment. (The gist: I went to the grocery store, forgot butter and ice cream and, unsatisfied with the store’s herb selection, decided to just make my roast chicken without herbs. Later on, Chris texted me asking if I needed anything from the store. I said yes and let him know I needed herbs, butter, and ice cream. I assumed he’d go to the grocery store he usually went to, which was NOT the store I had gone to earlier that day. [I also assumed he’d text back and ask me what kind of herbs I needed. How about this for a lesson: Don’t assume. Or, just tell your errand-runner straightaway what you need.] Instead, he went to the store I had gone to earlier that day, thinking they’d have a better herb selection than the store he normally goes to. Also unsatisfied with their herb selection, Chris ended up bringing home basil, which was actually quite lovely, but just not really usable for roast chicken.)


Completely unrelated to Lessons Learned from Mom, I wanted to let you know I have a couple new posts up over at Style Lush Blog. Click here to read about some unique baby/bridal shower menu items and click here to read about luxurious sheets fit for a king and queen (pun INTENDED.) Also, I will be posting there every Thursday, and although I would encourage you to read everything going on over there, if you (i.e.: my husband) want to read just MY stuff, you can check it on Thursdays.

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2 Responses to Lessons Learned from Mom: Part Tres

  1. Miss Melissa says:

    First of all, I just checked out your blog and I LOVE it.
    Second, and probably more relevant, my mom always said the spider thing too! And I always do it. This is also probably the reason that I’m unnecessarily freaked out by spiders.

  2. Sarah says:

    Thanks, Melissa! It’s good advice, isn’t it? IN FACT, this past weekend, I was at my mom and dad’s house and I killed a spider, then flushed it down the toilet. When I came back later, the napkin I had killed it with was still lurking in the toilet, BUT I DIDN’T SEE THE SPIDER. I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the spider had gotten out somehow! Always flush twice, is the rule here, I guess.

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