“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”*

Alternatively titled, “Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine”*


I heard through the grapevine that today is Official De-Lurk Yourself Day or some-such-thing. Apparently you’re supposed to go leave a comment on all the blogs you read regularly, but never comment on.

In honor of this momentous occasion, I’m asking all five of you my loyal readers to come out of the wood-work and leave a comment. To ensure you have something to say other than, “Hey, umm, I like your blog,” I thought it might be fun if you answer a couple questions for me. I know, usually it’s all about me! me! me! me! me! over here, but there’s nothing wrong with making it about you once in awhile, now is there? So, answer me this: 1) Which actor or actress would you like to play you in a movie, and 2) If we were out at a bar having drinks, what would you order? Here, I’ll even go first! (Hey, it’s got to be about me a little bit, right?)

1) I would chose Tina Fey. First of all, she’s funny. I like to think that I’m funny, so it’s a natural fit. Plus, I’ve been told on more than one occasion that I look like Tina Fey, especially when I’m wearing my glasses.

[Back in the ’90s, I might have answered Winona Ryder, as I used to get told that I looked like her, although this was during my short, short, short hair days. Nowadays, I think Tina’s stock is worth more than Winona’s and I’m all about my movie doing well at the box office, so Tina Fey it is!]

2) I’ll have a Sapphire tonic, please! Depending on where I am and my mood, though, I’m just as likely to order a glass of champagne.


In other news, I have a couple posts up over at Style Lush. I’m still getting into my groove over there, but have been having fun thinking up and researching new cooking/kitchen related things. Check out my most-wanted kitchen gadgets (and keep in mind my birthday is coming up!) and also a recipe for some bomb dot com bruschetta. And hey, why don’t you de-lurk there while you’re at it!


*First round of drinks is on me if you can name the movie those two quotes are from. And NO GOOGLING allowed!

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13 Responses to “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”*

  1. Calisara says:

    Ah gee, I’ll delurk! I wish I could “name that movie quote” but I forget movies after I see them. I love reading your blog but since you asked… If I had to pick an actress to play me in a movie I’d go for Penelope Cruz-because she is everything I am not, and so beautiful. Plus, who wouldn’t want a sexy Spanish accent rolling around! I mean, it might be weird considering I’m Polish and blonde but whatever. She could pull it off. As for a drink, well it’s always red wine. Pinot Noir, Cab or Merlot as first picks. But nothing beats a patron margarita on the rocks, no salt and float the grand marnier aka Cadillac Margarita. Cheers!

  2. 1. Play me in a movie… hmmm… it would have to be someone short. Is Angelina Jolie short? Just kidding. Maybe. I’ll go with Kristen Bell, if she dyed her hair brown. I need funny ladies, because i am HILARIOUS.
    2. YAAAY Another G&T lover!! Seriously, I adore gin and tonic, and when I order them at the bar, my friends all give me that look like they smell something bad.

  3. Casablanca!! Hmmm, I’m not sure who would play me in a movie. I’ve had a few people tell me that I look like Anne Hathaway which I don’t really see (except for the brown hair) but I like her so I guess I’ll say her.
    I would order a vodka martini with a higher end vodka like Belvedere. Good vodka is key. You’re making me thirsty since I’m 8 1/2 months pregnant right now. I can’t wait to have a cocktail! I follow your blog and read every post even if I don’t comment on every post!

  4. Mermanda says:

    I say Mandy Moore because I’ve been in love with her for many a moon. But if she’s unavailable, Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls is free to step in.

    I would order a Blue Moon most likely. But if I’m feeling fancy, a cabernet.

  5. Casablanca! But I actually remember the “beginning of a beautiful friendship” line because of “When Harry Met Sally.”

    1) Hmmm I would go with Drew Barrymore. She was always my fav, back in the day. And a couple people once said I looked like her. Or maybe Kirsten Dunst.

    2) I would order a strawberry daiquiri. Yummm! Or a pina colada.

  6. jimaie.marie says:

    I think I would choose Sanaa Lathan to play me in a movie, I’ve had a crush on her since Love & Basketball, I just think she’s gorgeous! Annnd of course I’m not going to pick an ugly girl b/c HELLO! Gotta upgrade ;D
    And I would order a Malibu & Coke b/c it’s always been the first drink I roder when I’m out, why not mess with a good thing right? ha

  7. jimaie.marie says:

    i’m not sure what a “roder” is but I do know that I meant to type ORDER.

  8. Jennie says:

    I’d loooooove Jennifer Aniston to. Especially because she’d have to hang out with me to perfect the part.

    At a bar, Bud Light. A restaurant, champagne.

  9. akymbo says:

    It’s gonna be weird when Tina Fey plays both you and me in the story of our lives. I think she can pull it off, though…

    And right now, I’d order whatever my last drink last night was. I think some concoction of vodka and champagne. And there was a blackberry sitting in the bottom of the glass. Yum!

  10. Rhi says:

    1. I would say Callista Flockhart, because I love her and she’s super skinny (what?)

    2. Cava, or a Greyhound. I would like one of each right now.

  11. Aunt Rach says:

    Niece u r so funny. Luv ur style lush recipe…yum. I’d go w/ Kate Winslet cuz she’s smart, has an awesome accent that I wish I had, and can rock a dress like nobody’s business. Plus she looks like a normal woman, not a stick w/ a lollipop for a head.

    Drink? Definitely a vodka martini, dirty, lots of olives, made w a high end vodka so I don’t get a headache in the morning. Yea baby.

  12. Mariko Walsh says:

    I’m a few days behind the times, but I thought I would “de-lurk” myself as well.

    1) I would choose Natalie Portman–I was/am obsessed with her in “Garden State”
    2) Sapphire and Tonic all the way!!! Or a Lemon Drop if I’m feeling more girly.

    PS-Really love your blog, and following you on Twitter!

  13. Sarah says:

    Oooh, good choice, Mariko! I love Natalie Portman. Also good choice on the drink 🙂

    Glad you read the blog; it only looks so pretty because of your talented husband!

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