The tomatoes are here!

A month ago I was texting Elizabeth, so confounded as to why my tomato plants hadn’t produced.

I planted late, but not that late.

It’s been cooler, but not that much cooler.

I haven’t been watering as much, but I’ve still been watering.

Well. It’s safe to say the tomatoes are here.

But that’s not all…

This weekend I picked three giant bowls full of tomatoes and then I washed and cooked/prepared almost all of them. I could. Not. Stop. The second I sat back down on the couch, I got another idea for something tomato-ish and so I just kept on cooking. Cooked until I had all but four tomatoes left. One of which I saved (three went to work to pawn off on others.)

Here are just a few things I made…

Oven-dried tomatoes (h/t EBJ for the recipe rec.) (This was maybe 1/12 of the final amount. These were chef’s snacks.)

Bruschetta and salsa (no recipes; just winged it)

And then I made three bags of peeled, diced tomatoes (froze), one gallon bag of marinara sauce (not an entire gallon, just enough for a gallon-sized bag), and enchilada sauce.

Until next weekend, tomatoes.

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One Response to The tomatoes are here!

  1. K says:

    Dang. TEAM TOMATO.

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