Updates and whatnot

Well hello! Happy new year! I didn’t expect that it would be this long in between posts, especially because I find myself with a lot of free time lately, but here we are.

So. It’s 2014. I prefer even-numbered years. There are Olympics in even-numbered years, for one thing. That is definitely something special, I think, especially because this year it’s the Winter Olympics (second to the Summer Olympics, but that’s okay) and the Winter Olympics always fall right around my birthday. Happy birthday to meeeee time to cringe while people plummet hundreds of feet off a mountain with sticks strapped to their feet.

I am home with LG full-time now and I realized last week was the longest I’ve ever spent just me and her. Four whole days and we’re still alive. Success! Compared to this time last year (jobless and depressed, crying every morning, wanting to fling myself off the roof, screaming at my child), I am doing 110% better. Still jobless, but not depressed or crying or wanting to fling myself off tall places and not screaming at my child. That is a very nice feeling. I do not feel like being a SAHM is my calling (does anyone, ever, really?) but there is certainly nothing else calling to me right now and there is no pressing need for me to work (outside the home!) and so I am planning to be very choosy with whatever job I end up taking, whenever that happens.

LG is being very delightful recently. I have heard people say that two is a very charming age, contrary to the whole “terrible twos” thing, but I didn’t really get that until pretty recently. Almost-two was definitely a shitshow, but two-almost-three has been SO funny so far. This morning LG asked me what was on my toes (I’d painted my toenails) and when I said I painted them, she asked me, “You put makeup on your toes?” Haha, indeed.

We go to the park most days and while I actively ignore everyone there (I fucking hate the park), LG prefers to stare awkwardly at people, or, like today, comment on their every move. “MOMMY, THAT BABY OVER THERE HAS A HAT ON.” So, we have very different park-going styles, but I am working on “avert eye contact and ignore.” My dad is very proud.

Here’s a picture of my child in her new race car (early birthday present from her Boppa, who she “calls” every weekend asking, “Watch race cars tomorrow, Boppa?”)

It goes surprisingly fast and makes me nervous, the first of many moments like this in my lifetime, I’m sure.

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4 Responses to Updates and whatnot

  1. She & her car are just the cutest thing ever! So adorable…

  2. K says:

    Thumbs up to not wanting to jump off the roof!

    I mostly hate the park because I hate getting dirty and/or sweaty.

  3. Why does it have to go so fast???? Sometimes I wonder that it seems extra fast, knowing (probably) that she’ll be the only one? I feel all this enormous (albeit self-inflicted) pressure to Savor Every Moment because this is (probably) IT.

  4. Steph says:

    This made me laugh. And she is so, so darling in that picture.

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