You can just call me Martha

Chris and I needed a nice piece of bright art for our dining room. And we needed it on the cheap. So, taking a little inspiration blatantly stealing Colleen‘s idea, I made my own art! It was ridiculously easy [this is coming from the least art-inclined person EVER, so you know it’s true] AND cost less than $50. A winner all around, I’d say! Here are a few pictures of the progression and the final product:

First color


Second color (which ended up completely covering the first color)

Third color

The finished product!

A clos(er)-up shot


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7 Responses to You can just call me Martha

  1. SeeSherm says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!! I hope you don’t think this was an original idea for me!?!? I stole it from HGTV. So now wear even. 🙂 I have a huge 3’x3′ canvas to do next. The paint has been purchased… now I just need to do it.

  2. Alisa Marie says:

    Colleen, i remember watching that episode thinking — what a GREAT idea – and then I saw it on your blog and thought LOOOVE IT! and I STILL love it!

    Great work Sarah! looks fan-tab-u-lous!

  3. jimaie.marie says:

    i LOVE this idea!! The colors you chose are so warm, it looks great on the wall!

  4. Mermanda says:

    Looks terrific! Wouldn’t have ever thought of that.

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