Dishwashers and mixed greens

Oh you thought I was kidding when I said I was going to talk about dishwashers and mixed greens today? Hahaha too bad for you, I am not.

So, the dishwasher. It stopped cleaning the other day, which is like the most annoying thing ever. To run the dishwasher and think everything is going to come out shiny and clean and then it’s all dirty? SUCKS. I guess what would suck worse would be, like, a flood in my kitchen or a leak under the sink, but still. Dirty dishes. NOT done, man.

Luckily we’re still under warranty (by like 19 days, PHEW), so a really weird guy came out today and told me that basically I can’t use gel dishwasher detergent. Granules only, apparently. He cleaned the bottom cover, where the bottom water sprayer arm thing sits and then he ran the dishwasher and left. And I was all, *head tilt* erf? That’s all? But when the cycle was done, the damn thing was clean, so what do I know about dishwashers?

Onto mixed greens. So, I really like fennel. In herb form or in bulb form, fennel is where it’s at. I hate black licorice, which is weird, but fennel or anise? Cool. One of my favorite salads is thinly-sliced fennel on greens, with Parmesan or blue cheese or whatever cheese I have. I rarely actually have fennel on hand, though, but what I do have on hand is fennel seeds, and even better, I currently have a wee little mortar and pestle full of ground fennel seeds leftover from a recipe. What I’ve been doing recently is sprinkling just a bit of the ground fennel seeds into my salad, then dressing as normal. Just a hint of fennel. Very delicious.

Well, that’s all I have for today. Tomorrow I have to go pick up the dry cleaning and I am going to roast up some parsnips and rutabaga (first time!), so gird your loins. (Kidding.) (Maybe not.)

No really, though, the Hawaiian pulled pork fries were DElicious, so I’m going to share that recipe and I am experimenting today with a roasted corn salsa, so I’ll report back! Happy Wednesday! We’re almost there!

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One Response to Dishwashers and mixed greens

  1. rhi says:

    I hate owning appliances that require to use a SPECIFIC x or y.

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