Meat Month: The meats are done, man

Whole30 is nearing its end and I’m excited. It’s been a long month, where we’ve questioned our sanity numerous times (well, mostly Chris questioned my sanity, but whatever, he went along with all this madness) and I will be happy to get back to the usual routine and not be consumed with What’s For Breakfast! Lunch! And Dinner! every waking moment of every single day.

The half-marathon is coming up Sunday (Whole30 ends tomorrow) and I’m sort of at a loss for what to eat the night before. Normally before a race, I’d have a whole mess of pasta and bread and I obviously can’t do that, so…What? I have an acorn squash and was thinking that might be good. Also possibly some roasted carrots? Any other ideas for what carbs I should have? (First one to suggest sweet potatoes gets a knee to the groin.)

This week’s meals have been eh. I lost my cooking mojo about two Meat Month updates ago, so coming up with new dishes has been tiresome. I did try to Whole30-up my favorite meatloaf recipe, but it didn’t go well. (But if you’re not doing Whole30, do make that meatloaf — it’s delish!)

That said, this baked mustard lime chicken was very good (thank you Ms. Holly for the recipe.)

Served on Swiss chard and mushrooms, which are ugly, hence why they’re covered up.

We also made this egg bake skillet and it was bomb. A definite make-again.

Thanks to Egg Queen Erica for linking to that recipe.

In the heartbreak department, Chris picked up a ginormous bag of Halloween candy at Costco and, as you will surely understand, I had to bury that bag of candy along with his body. Haha murder jokes are always never funny.

But seriously, it was a good move on his part because there are Snickers bars in the mix and Manda, she who runs marathons like it’s no big, swears by Snickers as her race fuel. Also there are Reese’s and those are my favorites. I don’t even know what else is in that bag other than Snickers and Reese’s, but I don’t care. Come Halloween, I’ll probably pick out all the Snickers and all the Reese’s and just leave the rest of the candy in a bowl on my porch with one of those “One Per Trick-Or-Tre—–Oh Fuck It, Just Don’t Steal Our Bowl” signs while I sit inside comatose from my sugar crash.

(As Carrie Mathison would say, “Dark turn!”)

(Any other Homeland fans in the house?)

Yesterday I wore my skinny jeans comfortably (more or less) for the first time since before I was pregnant two years ago (wow, two years ago? Two years ago. Crazy.) and the other day, I put on a belt that was previously too tight and IT fit, even with layers, so SILVER LINING I GUESS.

In running news, I am nervous. Holly and I set out to run 10 miles last Saturday and I felt fine in the beginning, but then ate two Shot Bloks around mile 3.5 and felt like yacking for the rest of the run, ultimately only completing 8.5 miles. I know I shouldn’t harp on past runs, but damn. The run the week before that had been hard and I had committed to hydrating and eating right all week in preparation for my next run — which I did! — and so to have another shitty run was just…Shitty. Anyway, I am blaming the whole shitty run on those Shot Bloks (it’s giving me heartburn again just thinking about them!) and hoping the adrenaline from race day will carry me through.

Wish me luck and especially wish luck to all the pizza in the world on Sunday, because I’m coming after it!

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5 Responses to Meat Month: The meats are done, man

  1. Amy says:

    I hope you have a great race! I’m super sad I don’t get to run. I hope you feel awesome the whole time!

  2. Happy run & return to pizza! Also on Sunday? Homeland! Love itttt.

  3. queencaren says:

    You are going to have a GREAT run. I just know it!
    xoxoxo Mom

  4. Erica says:

    Mmm, yes, that was a fine skillet of eggs. I haven’t progressed far enough in my training to need mid-run refueling yet, and it makes me nervous. This week is a little over 7 miles, maybe I’ll finally bust out some gooey electrolyte stuff.

  5. Pingback: Meat Month: The meats are done, man | Christian Music Jukebox

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