Meat Month: Three days in and it’s GOING GREAT, OKAY?!

We have now started Meat Month, which is a term I appropriated from Erica, who is freshly off her Whole30 and (hopefully) elbow deep in a cheeseburger with the bun and some french fries cooked in peanut oil and dipped in ketchup and also beer. Just…A lot of beer. (I think Erica hands the term to me very willingly.)

Clearly, things are going great here! I think we’ve consumed more tea over the past three days than in the past year, which is saying something, because I do normally drink a lot of tea. I think my eyes are starting to sprout spinach leaves (I don’t know, guys, bear with me) and we only have six eggs left out of two dozen purchased three days ago. So. Eggs and spinach and tea.

Going great! As I said!

In all honesty, I feel good. I slept like a log last night and woke up sans alarm this morning at 6am. The only thing we’re struggling with — and I include Chris in this because HE SEEMS A LITTLE HANGRY, GUYS — is eating enough food to stay full for more than an hour. That’s been hard. All my go-to fill-up snacks — peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, yogurt, cheese — are no-nos, which means I’ve been eating A LOT of vegetables. Which aren’t exactly filling. Shockingly.

I’m trying to figure that aspect out, especially with the half-marathon training. The last thing I want to do is to go running when I haven’t fueled up properly (I’m scary if I haven’t eaten in a few hours, so after I’ve run many miles? Hahahahaha, watch out.) I’ve had sort of a bum foot the past week, so I skipped my long run Saturday, which in hindsight was probably good (looking for silver linings here — missing runs makes me itchy) because after what we thought to be a pretty substantial breakfast of steak and eggs on Saturday, we had to have an emergency tuna salad at 11am, which while delicious, only kept us full for about an hour and a half.

So! this week my goal is to make sure we’re well-fed and NOT hangry, especially if I do make it out for a long run on Saturday (fingers crossed.)

Meanwhile, I’ll go ahead and add tuna fish to the Costco list just in case…

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4 Responses to Meat Month: Three days in and it’s GOING GREAT, OKAY?!

  1. Tess says:

    I am really curious about this – I do hope you’ll write frequently about how things are going!

  2. queencaren says:

    It’s hard not to be hungry when it’s just veggies for snacks. Can you mix in some nuts? I found just a small handful, small, of almonds could really help. Almost as good as just eating another piece of chicken.

    Also – I found Apples to be a really good filler upper. Better with a hunk of cheese and a cracker but a small apple and some almonds could work.

  3. Kristen says:

    I wonder if there are some things you can make large batches of and be able to just grab a scoop or handful of when you’re getting a little hungry between actual meals. Like, can you do beans? Like roasted chickpeas? I don’t know. It’s really interesting to read about this, though, and I definitely want to hear how the eating and training goes together.

  4. Erica says:

    1) I ate a cookie while reading this. 2) I really struggled with running for a while, make sure you’re eating enough carb-y things like sweet potatoes. It was the only way for me to not feel like death on my runs. 3) I had to eat unbelievably huge piles of food at every meal to make it to the next meal. 4) You can do it! Just try not to murder anyone on Day 5.

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