Some thoughts on this fine Wednesday-that-feels-like-a-Tuesday

I don’t know why, but the daycare ladies think it’s really amusing to put LG’s hair up into “pigtails,” and every time I get home from work, I see her with these pigtails and I’m sorry, but it just looks really stupid. SHE still looks cute, of course, but her hair just looks so, so ridiculous and it pisses me off.

Her hair is SHORT and FINE and never all up in her face, but for whatever reason, the daycare ladies glean much pleasure from putting her poor little hairs into mini-scrunchies. Which, okay, they’re WEE LITTLE SCRUNCHIES, but still. Dudes, stop messing with my baby.

I don’t think I can tell them this, though. I mean, I know I can tell them whatever I want, but how weird would that be? “STOP MESSING WITH MY BABY’S HAIRRRRRRS!” would probably come across as weird (“What’s wrong with THAT mom, geez?”) and really, it only bothers me, so, meh. But seriously with the pigtails, make it stop.

(Also, I have a few pictures, but I will not post them because (here’s where you think it’s because I don’t want to embarrass my child in case she reads this in the future) the pictures make me mad all over again. Although they are pretty funny. Try taking seriously a whining baby who’s got alien-looking pigtails (“pigtails”) and a cat on the butt of her pants. Cat butts are very in with the one-year-old sect right now.)

Speaking of clothes, I bought some new sleep suits for the ol’ LG this weekend, because the Carter’s outlet had a a bunch on sale. I got her some with frogs and some with cupcakes, some with horses and some with zebras, and then I needed to buy two more to get the deal, so I grabbed a couple boys’ suits (monkeys and alligators) and they’re HUGE. All suits are 18-month sized, yet the boy suits are enormous, specifically the feet. Are boys at that age really bigger than ladies? Seems weird. Seems suspect. But I am not in product development/garment research at Carter’s, so what do I know?

Speaking of sizes of babies (or something), I don’t think I ever mentioned this here, but when I was in the hospital all those days waiting around to birth ol’ CatButt, Chris, my parents, my mother-in-law, and myself all placed bets on how much LG would weigh. Everyone gave their guesses and I wrote them down and whenever she was born (DAYS LATER, MY GOD I STILL HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN HOW LONG ALL THAT TOOK), guess who guessed right?



Even as a fetus REFUSING TO EXIT THE CHUTE (still not over it), I knew her best. Moms are cool like that.


We’ve been watching a lot of House Hunters recently and I dig it for a variety of reasons:

– I like seeing what housing markets are like in other areas of the country;
– I like seeing what deal-breakers are for people — so many people want a washer/dryer NEAR the bedroom, which is weird, yes? It’s so loud;
– I like yelling at the TV when people complain about paint colors — OMG YOU CAN PAINT IT YOURSELF IT IS CHEAP AND EASY;
– And, most importantly, I really like analyzing the relationships of the people buying the house.

Usually the show follows a married couple shopping for their first home, although sometimes the people are not married (and/or sometimes it’s not their first home) and the other night they showed a couple, who was dating, and she was buying the house and he was not. Which is fine! Great, actually. But the boyfriend kept having OPINIONS and it really pissed me off. I’m sorry, sir, but you cannot have opinions about the house your girlfriend is buying. You just can’t.

(I have many more thoughts about this particular couple — mostly that they really needed to break up — but I’ll spare you.)

House Hunters International is also fascinating, by the way, but my assessment of pretty much every single couple on that show is that they’re running away from some sort of financial issue. There just seem to be a lot of “accountants” who “get offered” a “job” working in the Cayman Islands. And their budgets are always like $6,500 a month. To rent.


So, what’s everyone doing this summer? While we had a packed spring, we did have a couple of weekends of GLORIOUS down-time the past two weekends, but we are about ready to jump into a very busy June and then in July, we’re up to PDX for a wedding. But after THAT, we’re free birds.

This entry was posted in All About Moi, Book, Movies, TV, & Music, Chris, Family, LG, She's Having a Baby. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Some thoughts on this fine Wednesday-that-feels-like-a-Tuesday

  1. i actually read this blog of this chilean expat girl who was on house hunters international. have you seen her episode?

  2. i actually read this blog of this chilean expat girl who was on house hunters international. she’s from SF and moves to santiago chile to be with her boyfriend, now husband. have you seen her episode?

  3. Jess says:

    I also love House Hunters and House Hunters International, but when I’m watching International episodes I spend most of my time yelling at the TV, “WHY ARE YOU BUYING A VACATION HOME? This is the WORST POSSIBLE THING you could do with your money!” and then my head explodes.

    I also correctly guessed how much Callum would weigh at birth. We didn’t do a pool or anything so I didn’t put down an exact number, but I was thinking between 8.5 and 9 pounds. And he was 8 pounds 12 ounces, which is exactly the midway point of my guessed range. So. I win.

  4. I do a lot of yelling at House Hunters too. These people are so judgey and seriously STOP GETTING INTO PEOPLE’S BATHTUBS. (Also:Have you read Emily’s House Hunters-related blog posts? They are hilarious.)

    I like Holmes on Homes for a similar reason. Except he is the one who is doing the yelling at the idiocy of whatever crap contractor he’s cleaning up after. It’s awesome.

    CatButt is the best nickname in the universe.

    (Okay, even if you have already read them, here are the posts Emily wrote about House Hunters:,, and

  5. I can never understand how the people on House Hunters international have SO MUCH MONEY. I mean, I live in Southern California, with one of the craziest housing situations in the country, and yet I can’t even wrap my mind around what they’re paying IN RENT.

    I was watching House Hunters the other day, and the husband wanted a house on the lake (or river – I can’t even remember what city they were looking in) and the wife did not. Every house they looked at, they would point out a million nice things, and then the husband would say, “But… no lake.” And I wanted to punch him. I might have been projecting a bit there.

  6. Amy says:

    Our daycare teachers did the same thing to our daughter and they were a bitch to get out. They used those tiny rubber bands like I used when I had braces. Sadie would scream bloody murder when he took them out so one morning during drop off, my husband said “so about the pony tails” and the teacher immediately said “you need us to stop?” He explained why, she understood and we haven’t had weird hair since. Hopefully you can figure something out to get them to stop.

  7. queencaren says:

    I like Amy’s husband’s approach about the hair stuff. And while I think Lael is being nice by not saying anything… I don’t think she likes the weird hair either.

  8. Christen says:

    One of my favorite hobbies is screaming at the people on House Hunters/House Hunters International. I like it for the same reasons you do (especially the relationship analysis part!), but also get depressed when I see a couple of 19 year-olds buy a house for a quarter of what ours cost and it’s three times the size but hey, I like living in California and have no interest in shoveling snow for half the year so whatever.

    What usually bugs me on House Hunters International is when some ridiculous American couple moves to Tuscany or Provence and is horrified that the 200 year-old farmhouse they want to buy doesn’t have a dishwasher or something equally insane. That’s around the time I start screaming “THIS IS WHY THE REST OF THE WORLD HATES US. STOP GIVING THE TERRORISTS REASONS TO TAKE US DOWN.” And then my husband takes the remote and makes me cool off with an episode of 30 Rock or something.

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