Thanksgiving menu

Every year Elizabeth and A’Dell post their Thanksgiving and Christmas menus and every year I’m like, YUUUUUMMY I’M COMING TO YOUR HOUSE FOR DINNERRRRRR, which is scary, yes, but more so for Elizabeth, whose house I could totally show up to. (But I’d bring booze! I always bring booze!)

Anyway, up until two days ago, I thought Thanksgiving was next next week, so when I found out it’s just next week, I was all, OMG MY MENU AND DAMMIT I NEVER ORDERED A FANCY TURKEY OH WELL BUTTERBALL FOR MEEEEEE.

Here’s what we’re having this year:


– Cheese and crackers (including a ball of cheese. It is not Thanksgiving unless there’s a ball of cheese, per Chris) and salami

– Crudites and ranch dip, because we’re classy

White bean and artichoke dip (Giada recipe) with pita chips


Turkey! (Ina recipe) and gravy

– Stuffing (normally I’d add celery, onions, and sausage, but I’m using breakfast meat in another (new!) recipe, so I though I’d forgo the sausage here)

– Mashed potatoes (anyone have a stellar recipe to share? I usually keep it pretty simple with butter and milk, but am open to trying new things)

– Green bean casserole (with slivered almonds inside and onion rings on top)

– Brussels sprouts with bacon and blue cheese (the new-to-my-Thanksgiving recipe!)

– Cranberry sauce with maple syrup (Chris saw this somewhere, I’m not sure where, but it looks like the Pioneer Woman also has a recipe)

– Hawaiian rolls


– Ice cream sundaes! (it’s my Thanksgiving and I’ll omit the pumpkin if I want to. Which I want to.)


– Bloody Marys for with breakfast

– Mimosas throughout the morning/early afternoon

– Wine with dinner

– I’m feeling the need for a little coffee with Bailey’s or Khalua with dessert, but that seems like overkill, which means we’ll probably have it

What are you eating/drinking this Thanksgiving?

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12 Responses to Thanksgiving menu

  1. Mama Bub says:

    I made the Pioneer Woman’s mashed potatoes last year and they were amazing.

  2. Grace says:

    Hey Sarah,
    It’s Grace-alicious here not knowing how to do a blog comment, HOWEVER, I suggest you should mix a dollop or 2 of sour cream and roasted garlic into your mashed taters.
    Do I have to have a blog too in order to blog comment? haha

  3. queencaren says:

    We are having chicken tacos – per Dad’s request. (Can I get a hallelujah)

    Definitely stealing the sundae idea. And the coffee drink. Call for a Unity shot.

    xoxo Glams

  4. Holly says:

    I love that your mom calls herself Glams. That is ADORABLE.

    ANYWAY —

    The only thing I cook for Thanksgiving is my brussels sprouts with bacon and walnuts. Mostly after that we just show up at my aunt’s and eat a lot of their stuff…like the freeloaders we are. 😉 My uncles makes this AMAZING stuffing with sausage and sage and maybe like 10 lbs of butter, so I basically fill my plate with that. I think about it 364 days of the year. Last year I did the appetizer tray. Maybe I should offer to do that again –hmmm…hadn’t even thought of that, I’m in denial that Thanksgiving is in a week. I’m kind of a jerk. And now everyone in your comments knows this. SWEET!

  5. I love brussels sprouts – wish the rest of the family did!

    My mom always made goat cheese and garlic mashed potatoes, which I LOVE. My MIL doesn’t eat goat cheese, so I substitute sour cream when I’m cooking for her.

    They are creamy and a little tangy and oh so delicious.

    (Recipe if you are interested: 2 potatoes per person. Then I peel a whole head of garlic – at least a dozen cloves. Boil potatoes and garlic for 20 minutes or so, until a fork pushed into a potato slides back out without pulling. Then hand mash – don’t use beaters, it gets too gluey – and add about 1/2 tub (4oz.) of sour cream – or goat cheese – in glops to the potatoes, and finish mashing. Then I put them in a casserole dish and cover, and if possible, put back in the oven to keep hot. If the potaoes seem too dry, you can add more sour cream – actually, more sour cream never hurts.)

  6. Erin says:


    We’ll be at my aunt and uncle’s so I’m not entirely sure what’s on the menu, but I DO know that we’re having my aunt’s amazing sweet potatoes that taste like pie (I know, you hate sweet potatoes, and I won’t try to convince you that you’ll like these. It’s the only way I’ll eat them though. You basically make a pumpkin pie filling but with sweet potatoes instead of pumpkin, then top with chopped pecans and dollops of raspberry jelly, which gets all melty and awesome in the oven. Mmm.)

    Also, Life of a Doctor’s Wife, those mashed potatoes sound INCREDIBLE. Goat cheese is my favorite thing ever.

  7. A'Dell says:

    We are spending Thanksgiving with my family, which means I’m totally off the hook for any meal plant. Woo! I am working on Christmas…I kind of loved the menu last year but it feels so…not special to just do it again, even though it was a entire year ago!

    Ice cream sundaes are a fanatic idea. God, there’s nothing better than a full-on hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and all the extras. YUM.

  8. Caitlin says:

    I’ve been a terrible reader and commenter of late, but I’m happy to chime in here.

    Zach and I will be home with some friends this year. We’ve done this once or twice before and a couple of girlfriends are fond of reminiscing about the year they came and the fact that they’d never been to a Thanksgiving where the men cooked and the women kicked back with cocktails and watched football. That’s how we roll in the HB house.

    Z’s good friend who is also a chef and his wife will be here, and we will let the boys cook but I am responsible for a few things:
    Sweet potato casserole (I posted on FL about it. I’m going to try this one this year Was making PW’s the past few years, but I’m kinda over it.)
    I also do the pies (pumpkin and apple, but may do a pear-almond tart this year instead of apple), whipped cream, and the mashed potatoes. I don’t have a recipe, I’m just fucking awesome at mashed potatoes.

    The boys will do the rest — a roasted turkey, a smoked turkey, amazing gravy, hot rolls from scratch, brussel sprouts shaved with lemon, parm, and nueske’s bacon (, sausage/sage stuffing, cranberry in a can (Zach’s preference! I might make a fresh one too.).
    We usually start with some kind of baked brie, a cheese plate, and these amazing savory/salty/spicy/sweet rosemary nuts Zach makes every year.
    We have a full bar and have to start with gin and tonic. There will be wine, there may be hot buttered rum.

    God, I’m starving.

  9. carrie says:

    i’m going to a wedding at disney world over thanksgiving weekend. YEP. so i’ll be in the air on the day and have no idea what or where i will eat.

  10. Dr. Maureen says:

    I’m going to my sister’s house. I am bringing NOTHING. Except possibly wine and/or a wee baby. Or else I’ll skip the whole thing and have Thanksgiving in the hospital. I’m a mystery! I like to keep things exciting!

  11. Ashley f says:

    The pioneer woman’s mashed potatoes are where it’s at. The most delicious classic potatoes ever. 🙂

  12. My Thanksgiving menu is going to consist of whatever I can find open in Hilo on a holiday! (I don’t have high hopes.) Send some ice cream sundaes and mimosas to the M/V Explorer, will you?

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