And so it begins…

LG wore her Seahawks gear and held her Fan Bear for the entire pre-season game last week. Seattle won (woo!) which of course means we can’t wash this onesie ever again. And they must sit on the couch, like this, for every single game of the season.

Go 'Hawks!
Although something tells me even if the ‘Hawks lose, Chris’s Sundays won’t be as awful as they used to be if they lost…

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3 Responses to And so it begins…

  1. ha! omg that would so be my Mister. Love it 😉

  2. Emiliy M says:

    …until she starts talking. My dad used to make Alex and I sign contracts that we wouldn’t talk to him during football, specifically his favorite team, and if we broke the contract we (I) would have to do the dishes and (Alex) mow the lawn for a month. Plus. Grounded.

  3. Kori says:


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