Not Point Break*

Me: What movie is this? Wait! Don’t tell me! Is it Constantine?

Chris: No. It’s—

Me: The Matrix!

Chris: No.

Me: The Matrix Part Deux?

Chris: No.

Me: The Devil’s Advocate?

Chris: No. You’re nev—

Me: Don’t tell me! Is it The Matrix Revolution?

Chris: No.

Me: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? No, no. Not Bogus Journey…Not Speed…Not Speed 2…Oh, what the fuck is it?

(What the fuck was it?)

*What is it about dudes and Point Break, am I right? Dumbest movie ever, AND YET, every dude I’ve ever know has owned it. On VHS.

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3 Responses to Not Point Break*

  1. Raven says:

    I totally love Hot Fuzz for the reference to Point Break 🙂

  2. Angella says:

    Matthew came into our marriage with a VHS of…Hoosiers. (He’s a basketball nut.)

  3. Jon was JUST watching Point Break this weekend and insists I need to see the whole thing.

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