LGW Cribz

My friend Hillary, whose baby Willie should be making his appearance into the world soon-ish(!), posted pictures of her baby’s nursery the other day and it reminded me that I fully intended to write a post about how I’d finally decided to decorate LG’s room the cool place for me to hang out, but then she arrived early and things weren’t done yet and we had a newborn to keep alive parent and, well, now, at just over three months old, I finally have pictures to share.

If this were an episode of MTV Cribs, I’d say this is where the magic happens (get it? because it’s HER BED? God, I need to work on my material.) Anyway, no magic actually happens here, as LG hasn’t spent even one night in her crib, but whatever. Look how pretty all those homemade/personalized blankets are!

Nursery (5)

Here’s another shot of the room, which I am taking from inside the closet, which still doesn’t have doors. No, that doesn’t bother me at all.

Nursery (6)

After consulting with one of my Internet personal stylists, Christina, I decided to purchase this mobile from The Starcraft on Etsy:

Nursery (3)
LG totally digs it, too. Babies, man, so easily entertained

You already know that Chris, handy and useful man he is, refinished his baby changing table/dresser for LG. Then, a couple weeks after she was born, he finished up the shelving, where I store six packs of bee–I mean receiving blankets and diapers and whatnot.

Nursery (10)

I bought these baskets at Michael’s on sale months and months before she was born, when I was in the throes of my WHY MUST EVERYTHING BABY GIRL = PINK crisis. I even scored a basket (not pictured) (where we store all LG’s bath accessories) that is purple and green and says “Baby” all over it. So. I’m kind of over that crisis.

Nursery (13)

The only art I ever purchased for the room was found via Style Lush:

Nursery (7)
You probably know by now, because I mention it all the damn time, that Chris and I got engaged in Seattle, so it’s one of my favorite cities (and his, but that should go without saying, being the native PNWer that he is.) It came in green (it also comes in black and red, white & blue, not to mention different cities AND the human brain and heart — something for everyone!), so it seemed perfect for LG’s crib.

In the week or so before she arrived, I went on a massive shopping trip to Mecca Target and spotted this gem, which I scored on sale:

Nursery (8)
I think I sort of missed out on the Keep Calm & ________ trend, because I hear it’s fallen out of vogue, but eh, I like it.

Finally, this is my little nook where I store mugs of coffee or glasses of wine or books or whatever else I’m doing when I’m sitting in LG’s room feeding her or trying to get her to sleep or just watching her sleep. (WHAT?)

Chris’s cousin (Brant, who is the brains behind this website)’s wife Mariko made the stitched name sign for LG, which I love love love. Thanks, Mariko! And thanks, Brant!

So, there you have it, LG’s room, the cool place for me to hang out, and also the library. (We store all our books on the bookshelf in the closet of that room, which didn’t exactly come in handy the other night when Chris realized a ways into his book that he’d already read it, possibly in the summer of 2004, he wasn’t sure. Anyway, LG was already asleep, so no book for him!)

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6 Responses to LGW Cribz

  1. Kori says:

    I freaking love that your kid has a “keep calm and rock on” sign. Also, re: your last post, I always think of your bb as “LG” like “LC,” and were I to meet her (being The Hills fan that I am, and The Hills fan that I assume she is also), I would have to call her that.

  2. carrie says:

    good for you for not having ANY discernable pink in there. i am so weary of the extreme pinking of baby girls.

  3. the grumbles says:

    i love having a couch in there, that’s a great idea. i’m wondering if i could jam our hideous spare couch into my son’s room now… but i think the room’s too small.

  4. jimaiemarie says:

    Having a couch in there is so smart!! I love all the homemade blankets, I was gifted 4 of them for the baby and each one of them is SO SPECIAL- I love them so much!

  5. Renee says:

    When we had Moanna, we found out we were having a girl. I begged and pleaded with our family and friends to keep the pink to a minimum. That so did not happen. At four years old, she is a pink queen and there is nothing I can do to stop her. Our second baby is due at the end of August, and we decided not to find out if it was a girl or a boy. It’s impossible to find gender neutral things.

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