Wow. It appears as though we party a lot, huh? Good thing we log lots of couch time the majority of the year, to make party weeks like this possible! Oh, who am I kidding? We’re all still exhausted.
Rounding out Party Week was the 4th of July, which I’ve always been sort of indifferent to, but since Chris’s birthday is the next day, it’s his favorite holiday (three-day weekend!), so now I’ve jumped on the 4th of July bandwagon.
This year we ventured into Oakland to hang out with Chris’s brothers and eat meats on sticks. LG donned her 4th of July finest (a red suit from her Auntie Akymbo) and the rest of us wore black, naturally.
Usual pouty-face. “Where’s that BOOB? I want a BOOB!”
Me and the (self-proclaimed) Great Grand Uncle Cal, who was too a-scared to change a diaper, but who incidentally got mistaken for LG’s father right after this picture was taken. Dads change diapers, Cal, dads change diapers.
Chris and Cal, who DID NOT get mistaken for LG’s fathers right after this picture was taken.
My two favorite gangstas. Damn it feels good, doesn’t it?
And thus completes Party Week! We’ll see you again next year. Or when I turn 30. Or when LG turns one. So, next year. But there probably won’t be a keg* at that party.
*Of course there will be a keg at that party.
Dude, your posts sounds exhausting. Fun, but I don’t know if I could do the partying anymore. Especially getting up in the night? Woah, nelly. Kudos to you, kid! 😉
Love the pics and glad you guys got out and about for his bday after the hosting marathon. I would have passed out cranky if that many people hung at my place. Lovely people!!!, of course, but it’s hard to host and parent at the same time. 🙂
“your posts SOUND…..