30 Little Things : 6 : The last book I read

Okay, okay, so I’m still trying to finish Pride and Prejudice. Part of me wants to jump ship, but the other part of me is like, “Sarah! You only have 50 pages left…Just finish the damn thing!” (And if I want to meet my goal of reading 12 books this year, then I really do need to just finish the damn thing.)

And speaking of my 2011 to do list, Chris bought me this book for my birthday, to help me achieve my goal of learning all the country capitals:
30 Little Things : 6 : The last book I read

I have always been mildly obsessed with maps and atlases (atli?) and globes, so this was a fantastic gift. Now if you need me, I’ll be hiding behind it until I finally decide to finish Pride & Prejudice once and for all.

(For background, and to keep updated on what I’ve accomplished in the 30 Little Things project, click here. Also, follow Sensibly Sassy, Barbetti, Ready for 30, Maura Lessa, Vicki, Kristie, Just Expressive, and Penny as they play along too!)

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4 Responses to 30 Little Things : 6 : The last book I read

  1. Holly says:

    We have a map of Africa on our fridge right now because I’m obsessed with learning all the countries and capitals — one continent at a time! Mostly because Geography is my weak link at pub trivia — not because I want to be super intelligent or anything.


  2. I LOVE P&P… But I know it’s not for everyone. That said, there is the dual payoff of achieving resolution at the end of the book PLUS the satisfaction of finishing it. You can do it!

  3. JenDay says:

    I loved P&P. Fifty pages, you can do that in a night!

  4. queencaren says:

    Argh… the classics. I’m breaking into hives. I’m back to high school AP English. I didn’t like em then and I just don’t love em now.

    I tried digging into Dickens with Oprah over the holidays. Pah-leeze.

    Finally I really thought I’d have something with Freedomland by Jonathan Franzen and an 11 hour plane ride, 18 night cruise and 13 hour plane ride home. So didn’t happen. I donated the book to the ship library. May someone love it and appreciate my gift.

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