Category Archives: Holidays
Christmas menu
Since we didn’t get a chance to cook on Thanksgiving (no complaints!), we took extra care in planning our Christmas menu this year. Here’s what we’re having: Christmas Eve day When Chris gets off “early” (at 11am…after working 8 hours), … Continue reading
I survived my improv show. That took up a lot of mental space for awhile there (although not much space here, so you may not know that I was freaking out about it, but I was totally freaking out about … Continue reading
Five things
Hillary tagged me to write five things! Here are five things! 1. Tonight I start Improv 201. I’m not even done with 101 yet (but will be this week), but another 201 class wasn’t starting until January and I didn’t … Continue reading
It’s now October and everywhere else on the planet (okay, no) it’s crisp and leafy and basic bitches are drinking PSLs and here it’s 90 and yet it’s so dark in the mornings, it gives the illusion that it might … Continue reading
A bunch of unrelated stuff
1. I’m rewatching The L Word from the beginning. Showtime is replaying it two episodes at a time on Thursday nights and I’m finding it quite enjoyable even though I have seen it all before. Shane continues to be the … Continue reading
Christmas movies: An official list
I feel like every year I ask the twitters for their favorite Christmas movies, but then I never keep the list and the next year I have to ask all over again and every year I feel like I’ve forgotten … Continue reading
New LG stuff for posterity, etc.
– LG got a bunch of new shirts for Hanukkah and they all have glitter on them and now there’s glitter all over my (new!) linen couch and it’s very festive. – Speaking of festive and couches, she keeps talking … Continue reading
Thanksgivukkah recap
I hope you all had an enjoyable, festive, and delicious holiday weekend. For me, this was one of the best yet — something about Hanukkah falling on Thanksgiving just really upped the festive factor, you know? Lots of family time, … Continue reading
Happy Thanksgivukkah!
Maybe before the year ends we’ll take a picture with the three of us in the same shot. Maybe. Wishing you all lots of food and long naps!