Category Archives: All About Moi
Show ‘n’ tell.
I’m sleepy. I should really go to bed. Instead, I will share this picture with you. It’s of my best Christmas gifts this year (so far, at least…I haven’t gotten all of them yet!) My sincerest apologies for the lack … Continue reading
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I think it needs more ornaments, dontcha think?
I made a bad choice in shoes today. 4 1/2 inch patent leather platforms may be hot, but they sure aren’t hot on the ole’ tootsies! I need a pedicure. My wonky toe is halfway grown back! Woo-hoo! Chris and … Continue reading
No cold feet, just cold hands.
No matter if I was outside or inside, if the heat was on or not, my hands were cold all day. All friggin day. Hrmph. I just got home from work a little while ago and while I’m friggin exhausted, … Continue reading
Stop being difficult and let me set a friggin wedding date!!!!!!! Ahem. That is all.
“You’re such a Cassandra”
Since starting my new job, I’ve worked 7 days and had 7 off. Nice! The only problem with this is the inevitable boredom that sets in after more than two days of doing nothing. So I sit. I watch TV … Continue reading
I don’t even like Martha Stewart!
Updates: I have officially begun training for my second half marathon. I ran two miles tonight. It was brutal! Only 11.1 more to go! SHOUT OUT to Vivien for going with me, even though she’s not running the half marathon. … Continue reading
Cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle.
ACK! What is with the fires?! I feel like I’m living in Bakersfield again because I can’t breathe with all the smoke in the air. Also, it smells like a campfire. I hate camping. Let’s pray these things get handled … Continue reading
Since people were asking…
Here is a picture of the ring!!! It’s GORGEOUS!