Category Archives: All About Moi
Did you know your foot’s as big as your arm, from your elbow to your wrist?
There have been a few significant changes since my last post, so I thought I’d fill you all in on what’s going on in my life. Now that I think about it, though, there’s been only one real change. Eh, … Continue reading
You’ve GOT to be kidding me [but a woo-hoo! at the end…]
Pardon the F-bomb, but Bed, Bath, and Beyond can KISS MY FUCKING ASS. I won’t even get into what or why or HOW, but needless to say, WE ARE DONE REGISTERING. FINALLY. Argh. The woo-hoo! part: In other, more exciting … Continue reading
Casual china, my ass
Per my last blog: We had to remove some items from the wedding registry, because we found out that the place-setting we registered for is actually “casual china,” which means that although it’s super-cute and very un-china-looking, you cannot microwave … Continue reading
Jumping on that wedding-planning wagon…
In between Sacramento; Washington, D.C.; the flu; two trips to Bed, Bath, & Beyond; and countless hours trying to talk Chris out of decide if we need a deep-fried-fatty fryer; Chris and I are officially registered! Check out our list … Continue reading
For-ev-er, for-ev-er
I was sitting on the couch last night, when all of a sudden, it occurred to me that I am getting married. I said to Chris, “Oh my God, we’re getting married.” “I know,” he said. “We’re getting married. We’re … Continue reading
This post is lame! DON’T READ IT!
If you know me, then you know that I love lists. If you don’t know me or do know me, but didn’t know that I love lists, hey!, guess what? I love lists! So, since I have some things I … Continue reading
It hurts being this hot – EDITED WITH PICTURES AND CAPTIONS!
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving / Meet the Fockers. I think it’s pretty obvious that God blessed us all extremely good looks. EDIT – Chris thought I was calling his parents “The Fockers.” I was not. I was calling … Continue reading
Cooking Dangerously
For Christmas, my fantabulous friend Kacie bought me a book called “Julie & Julia.” Have you heard of it? Oh, it’s good. Really good. It’s an easy read (always a plus!), but more importantly, it’s friggin funny as hell. It’s … Continue reading
Oh, get over yourself!
No. You can’t make me! I’m not going. Nooooooo! I am going to sit on my couch all day and you can’t do anything about it! I’m going to Sacramento for work. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Chris will be … Continue reading
Snowboarding School 2008
Hey! Sarah and Chris: Remembering to take your camera on vacation is not the same as remembering to actually take pictures. Oh, well, there will be plenty more trips, I’m sure. Until then, enjoy these two gems; they were the … Continue reading